
Flutter Update 3.10: Empowering Mobile App Development

Exploring the Exciting Features of Flutter 3.10 Update
Welcome to the world of Flutter, where innovation and efficiency go hand in hand for application development. The Flutter 3.10 update brings a fresh wave of advancements and enhancements, empowering mobile app developers to create stunning applications with ease. In this blog post, we will delve into the latest features and improvements introduced in Flutter 3.10, unveiling the cutting-edge capabilities of this dynamic Flutter app framework.

Flutter Framework

Get ready to experience Material 3, an amazing update that aligns the Material library with the latest Material Design standards. You’ll discover many new components, excellent mobile integration with attractive component themes, and refreshed visuals that will impress you. Developers can easily opt-in to these changes by enabling the useMaterial3 theme flag. In this new flutter release, useMaterial3 will be turned on by default, offering a seamless experience right out of the box.
To dive into the world of Material 3, simply set useMaterial3: true in your MaterialApp theme. Even when creating a new app using the flutter create command, this option will be automatically added to your theme settings.


Unleash your creativity and make your app truly unique with custom color schemes! With M3 components, you have the power to customize the default colors of your theme’s ColorScheme. Whether you prefer starting with a single “seed” color or drawing inspiration from an image, the possibilities are endless. Our demo allows you to experiment with different options, generating visually pleasing and accessible color schemes.

What is Cross-Platform Mobile App Development?

Cross-platform mobile app development involves building applications that can be deployed on multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android, using a single codebase. This approach saves time, effort, and resources compared to developing separate native apps for each platform. Several frameworks and tools enable developers to achieve cross-platform compatibility efficiently.

Navigation Bar

A fantastic addition to Flutter’s M3 lineup. This version brings a fresh twist to the familiar BottomNavigationBar widget, featuring vibrant colors, enhanced highlighting, and a subtle elevation effect. Despite these visual upgrades, the NavigationBar continues to function just as it did before.
For those who wish to customize the default appearance of NavigationBars, simply utilize the NavigationBarTheme widget. While migrating existing apps to this component is not mandatory, we highly recommend leveraging its capabilities when developing new applications.


Discover the versatile NavigationDrawer, a destination selection widget inspired by M3 design principles, built upon the foundation of the Drawer widget. With the NavigationDrawer, you can effortlessly present a list of NavigationDestinations widgets for single-selection purposes. Feel free to incorporate additional widgets within this list to enhance its functionality. If the need arises, the NavigationDrawer gracefully accommodates scrolling.
For a touch of personalization, the appearance of the NavigationDrawer widget can be customized using the NavigationDrawerTheme widget, allowing you to create a unique and tailored experience.

SearchBar & SearchAnchor

Introducing SearchBar and SearchAnchor, two powerful components that offer predictive text for search queries. When a user enters a search query, the app intelligently generates a list of matching responses within a dedicated “search view”. The user can then select a response or fine-tune their query as needed. To customize the design of these components beyond the M3 style, you can leverage the flexibility of SearchBarTheme and SearchAnchorTheme widgets.
These widgets empower you to override the default M3 design and create a personalized look and feel that aligns with your app’s unique aesthetic.

Secondary Tab Bar

With M3, you can now create a secondary tier of tabbed content. To differentiate this second TabBar, simply utilize the TabBar.secondary option. This allows for a visually distinct and organized presentation of your tabbed content.

Revamped DatePicker for M3

Prepare to be delighted by the enhanced M3 DatePicker, featuring vibrant colors, improved layout, and refined shape for both the calendar and textfield versions of this widget. Rest assured, these updates won’t alter the existing API; instead, they introduce an exciting addition known as the DatePickerTheme.

TimePicker Enhancements for M3

In line with the M3 design principles, Flutter widgets has given the TimePicker a makeover, just like we did with the DatePicker. The colors, layout, and shapes of both the regular and compact versions of the widget have been updated for a more cohesive and visually appealing experience.

M3 Enhancements to ListTile

In the world of M3, the ListTile has received a makeover by enhancing its positioning and spacing. This includes adjustments to content padding, alignment of leading and trailing widgets, minimum leading width, and vertical spacing. Rest assured, the API stays unchanged, ensuring a seamless transition.

Drawer Enhancements for M3

Experience the revamped M3 Drawer, where colors, elevation, and subtle layout adjustments come together to create a fresh and delightful interface.
come together to create a fresh and delightful interface. Triple-click/tap gestures for TextFields offer intuitive and efficient text selection options. Let’s explore the different behaviors based on the platform:
Triple click:

– When used in a multi-line TextField (Android/Fuchsia/iOS/macOS/Windows), it selects a paragraph block at the clicked position.

– In a multi-line TextField on Linux, it selects a line block at the clicked position.

– For single-line TextFields on any platform, it selects the entire text.

Triple tap:

– In a multi-line TextField, it selects a paragraph block at the tapped position.

– For single-line TextFields, it selects the entire text.

Triple click + drag:

– When performing a triple click followed by dragging the choice, it extends the selection in paragraph blocks on Android/Fuchsia/iOS/macOS/Windows.

– On Linux, it extends the selection in line blocks.

Flutter supports Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) Level 1, strengthening its commitment to security. The Flutter Framework has undergone significant enhancements, incorporating a range of security features, including:
  1. Streamlined Build Process: The build scripts for Flutter now facilitate automated builds on trusted platforms. By leveraging secure architectures, the risk of tampering with artifacts during the build process is minimized, thereby enhancing the overall security of the supply chain.
  2. Multi-Party Approval and Audit Logging: Release workflows within Flutter now require approval from multiple engineers before execution. This multi-party approval process ensures accountability and transparency. Detailed audit logs are generated, capturing every step of the execution. These measures safeguard against unauthorized modifications between source code and artifact generation.
  3. Provenance Assurance: Beta and stable releases of Flutter now come with built-in provenance. This means that the framework release artifacts are constructed from trusted sources with verifiable content. Each release provides links that enable users to view and validate the provenance information on the SDK archive, ensuring the integrity of the supply chain.
By embracing SLSA Level 1, Flutter fortifies its security measures, providing developers and users with a heightened level of confidence in the authenticity and reliability of the framework.

Flutter Web Application Development

Flutter web apps now have improved load times for web integration thanks to reduced file sizes of icon fonts. Unused glyphs from both Material and Cupertino have been trimmed down.
CanvasKit has been optimized to occupy even less space for Chromium-based browsers. By leveraging a customized CanvasKit variant served from Google’s top-tier CDN, performance is expected to be further enhanced.
Element embedding is now possible, allowing Flutter web apps to be served within a specific element on a page. Prior to this release, apps were limited to occupying the entire page body or being displayed within an iframe tag and sample code can be found on GitHub.
Web apps can now take advantage of Flutter’s fragment shader support, enabling the use of shaders for enhanced visual effects.

Flutter Mobile Application Development

Flutter iOS Apps

Wireless Debugging
Say goodbye to cables! With the latest update, you can now run and hot reload your Flutter iOS apps wirelessly. Simply pair your iOS device with Xcode, and then deploy your app to the device using the flutter run command.
If you encounter any issues, make sure to check that the network icon is displayed next to your device under Window > Devices and Simulators > Devices. For more detailed information, refer to our documentation.
Wide Gamut Image Support
Prepare for stunning visuals! Flutter apps on iOS can now accurately render wide gamut images. To enable wide gamut support, make sure your app utilizes Impeller and adds the FLTEnableWideGamut flag in the Info.plist file.
Spellcheck Support
The SpellCheckConfiguration() widget now comes with built-in support for Apple’s spell check service on iOS. To take advantage of this feature, simply set the spellCheckConfiguration parameter in CupertinoTextField to the desired configuration.
Adaptive Checkbox and Radio
In this latest release, Flutter brings you the CupertinoCheckBox and CupertinoRadio widgets, now available in the Cupertino library. These widgets offer checkbox and radio button components that perfectly align with Apple’s distinctive style.
Enhanced Checkbox and Radio Experience
To enhance the versatility of the Material checkbox and radio widgets, we’ve introduced the adaptive constructors. When used on iOS and macOS, these constructors seamlessly integrate with the corresponding Cupertino widgets. On other platforms, they seamlessly adapt to the Material widgets, ensuring a consistent experience across different operating systems.
Refinements to Cupertino Animations, Transitions, and Colors
Flutter 3.10 brings refinements to animations, transitions, and colors in the Cupertino library, harmonizing them with the SwiftUI framework. These improvements include:
  • Revamped CupertinoPageRoute transition for smooth navigation experiences.
  • An alluring title magnification animation added to CupertinoSliverNavigationBar.
  • The introduction of several new iOS system colors to the CupertinoColors palette, expanding the range of options for your app’s visual aesthetics.
  • Flutter Android Apps

    Enhanced Android Camera Experience
    Introducing CameraX, a powerful Jetpack library that streamlines the integration of advanced camera features into your Android applications. This single codebase & versatile functionality is compatible with a wide range of Android camera hardware. In the latest release, they introduced preliminary support for CameraX in the Flutter Camera plugin. This support encompasses the following key use cases:
  • Image Capture
  • Video Recording
  • Real-time Camera Preview Display
  • To explore these exciting capabilities, simply opt in to the CameraX implementation. To do so, add the following line to your pubspec.yaml file.

    Flutter DevTools

    Updates in DevTools, the suite of performance and debugging tools for Dart and Flutter, continue to roll out. Here are some notable updates:
  • The DevTools user interface now incorporates Material 3, giving it a modern and visually appealing look while also improving accessibility.
  • In debug mode, the DevTools console now supports evaluations for running apps. Previously, this capability was only available when the app was paused.
  • The legacy timeline trace viewer has been replaced with an embedded Perfetto trace viewer. Perfetto not only handles larger datasets more efficiently but also delivers enhanced performance. It introduces added features, such as the ability to pin threads of interest, select multiple timeline events across frames through clicking and dragging, and utilize SQL queries to extract specific data from timeline events.
    Thriving Community for Collaboration and Growth
    The Flutter community continues to thrive and contribute to the ecosystem. A vibrant community means an abundance of plugins and packages that extend the capabilities of Flutter. Web Developers can leverage these community-driven resources to enhance their application development process, saving time and effort.
    To summarize, the Flutter update 3.10 introduces significant enhancements to the Flutter technology, reinforcing its position as a leading framework for mobile app development. With improved performance, revamped Material Design, streamlined dependency management, enhanced accessibility features, improved user experience, advanced testing and debugging capabilities, and expanded internationalization support, Flutter empowers developer’s experience to create exceptional apps that resonate with users worldwide.
    HypeTeq highly encourages you to dive into the newest stable release of Flutter and unlock a world of incredible features that await you. To get started, simply run the command “flutter upgrade” and let the magic unfold. Stay tuned for more thrilling updates and advancements from the Flutter team in the days to come.
    Whether you are a seasoned developer or a company seeking Flutter app development services, embracing the Flutter update will unlock new possibilities for innovation and growth. Stay tuned for more updates from the Flutter community and explore the full potential of Flutter in your next app development endeavor, whether it is android development or iOS app development.
    Book your free consultation call to discuss your mobile app development ideas!




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