
What is ReactJs Component?

React Component
A Component is one of the core building blocks of React.
Every Application pages build with multiple pieces that are called components.
Components make the task of developing UI much better and easier.

Features of ReactJs

Features Of Reactjs
React Component
In the image, UI is broken down into multiple pieces and that is called “Component”. Here the components are Header, Side menu, content, and footer.
These components work independently. Merge all components in a parent that makes the final UI.

Benefits of ReactJs Components:

reactJs Component

Types of Components:

Component Type

Class-based Component

These components are having simple classes made up of multiple functions. The class-based components are aware of other components and also can work with each other components.
The component has to include the extended React. A component statement, this statement creates an inheritance to React. Component, and gives your component access to React.Component’s functions.
The component also requires a render() method, this method returns HTML.
First React App

Function-based Component

Functional components are simply JavaScript functions.
We can create a functional component in React by writing a JavaScript function.
Function-based components were less complex than class-based components.
It also returns HTML and behaves the same as the class component. But with less code and easy to understand.
React App
Now React application has a component called HypeTeq, which returns a <h2> element.
Reactjs Code

Functional Components vs Class Components:

Functional Component

It is known as “Stateless components” as they simply accept data and display it.
There is no render method used in functional components.
React lifecycle methods cannot be used in functional components.
A functional component is just a plain JavaScript function that accepts props as an argument and returns a React element.

Class Component

It is known as “Stateful components” because they implement logic and state.
There is no render method used in functional components.
React lifecycle methods can be used inside class components.
A class component requires you to extend from React. Component and create a render function that returns a React element.


There are pros and cons to both types of components but I would like to conclude that functional components are taking over modern React. The functional component is written shorter and simpler, which makes it easier to develop, understand, and test. Functional components can keep everything clean. It also supports React Hooks which will make performance optimizations by avoiding unnecessary checks and memory allocations.
I hope this article helped to get more familiar with modern React.



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